I'm talking about myself of course - and my book about what a big fucking idiot I am.
Here is a review from a stranger on Barnes and Noble - thanks 'anonymous' - you're awesome.
'This is one funny book! Only bad thing is that it is the only one I can
find by him. I keep reading parts to everyone who will let me, and
some who won't. He almost makes me cry but then next thing I know I'm
cracking up. P.S. Bonus points for a great idea about nostril storage'
Buy a copy please - I really need some sales, like really!!
Buy it at Barnes and Noble here
Or amazon here
You could end up a super happy fan like this awesome fan:
With beautiful, humble, personalized dedication like this one:
Don't you want this kind of awesomeness? Yeah you do - I won't as you to buy it again now, because why on worth wouldn't you? But do buy it, I would like a few more sales, like REALLY!
Ps, for the record Anonymous, my other book out is this one:
Yay - I'm awesome