Friday, October 9, 2015

Even ice-cream! - A poem

One night Kevin tasted a chili so hot that his tongue literally caught on fire.
His saliva would have put it out...
But for the six hours that day he'd spent salivating outside a cute girl's bedroom window. 
'Ha ha' he thought, as his tongue began to turn to charcoal 'if she'd been at home today at all this might have been worth it!' 
He really had just a swell attitude for a steaming pile of shit. 
Ironically that's exactly what ALL food would taste like to him from that day on. 
Even ice-cream! 

Timing Plays It's Fiddle - A Poem

Herman claimed he could stare at the sun for hours on end without any ill effects.
‘Well prove it’ I said.
An hour and forty minutes later and his eyes POPPED.
The joke was on me though.
The exploding eye juice made me squeamish.
And right at the exact moment when it had become impossible to enjoy the look on his face as he saw me puke on his new sofa.