Yet how would we even know if we were perfect, when there is one body part that, as yet, has been woefully unscrutinized to the point of us frequently panicking about our personal version of it, by the normally cruelly smothering and meticulous unrelenting media, and that's people's left middle to upper backs!
This means that most people out there have little to no idea how they stack up on a pile of bodies ranked in order of left middle to upper back attractiveness (the organizational method preferred by most genocidal mass grave fillers).
So, because I care about my readers, and the things they need and care about, and want to cleanse them from that horrific image I just conjured, here is a handy list of things to help you work out whether your left middle to upper back is gorgeous, or whether your left middle to upper back is so hideous that you should never wear backless clothes again (unless you put them on backwards).
Signs your left middle to upper back is hideous:
- You can see it in a mirror, and you're FACING the mirror.
- You once had a left middle to upper lower back enhancement botched, by your local panel beater, and he even skimped on the silicone quality, which was particularly bad as you were actually trying to get 1968 ford mustang grill implant.
- You're currently an half armadillo and half stonefish hybrid.
- You're a Kardashian (zing).
- You often hear people behind you saying 'oh look, they've installed one of those post feast of a human inside-out crocodile sculptures here, quick get a photo of me with it' before suddenly feeling an arm go over your shoulder.
- Due to a printing glitch, your personal version of the boardgame 'burn the witch' missed the words 'only ever PRETEND to burn the witch', and you play often, and regularly get declared 'the witch'.
- It looks gross in pictures.
- Whenever a nightclub bouncer asks you to take off your shirt and pirouette, they then never let you in.
- When 'now boarding' is called at an airport, typically more than three people climb inside it.
- You once had a left middle to upper lower back enhancement done flawlessly, by your local panel beater, and you now successfully have a 1968 ford mustang grill implant.
Signs your left middle to upper back is gorgeous:
- It's roughly similar to your right middle to upper back, and your right middle to upper back is gorgeous.
So there you go? Is your left middle to upper back gorgeous or hideous?
If you're lucky enough to be in the second category then congratulations! Worldwide fame and fortune shall be easy to find on the professional left middle to upper back beauty pageant circuit!
(Although please be aware that in these tournaments they require you to cover up your right middle to upper backs, which many people, myself included, find barbaric, sexist, untoward, unfair, unassuming, unhinged, unaware, and often too warm, depending on what level the air-conditioner's thermostat was set, which usually makes at least the fame or fortune not worth it, and often both).
If your in the second category then commiserations. And please put on a shirt, or at least turn around, the front may still be good, and that's regularly people's favorite bit anyway! Yay.
Ps. If you ever enter yourself into a beauty pageant because you think you deserve to win, then you are probably a vapid, self-centered, vain as a heroin addicts veins, boring as a dried puddle, piece of shit (but if your pretty enough to be accepted, call me!)
Pps. You wish you got the 1967 mustang grill implant now don't you? 1968! What the hell were you thinking?
Ppps. Nine hours in a sauna only gets you a flawless body if you ACCIDENTALLY fall asleep in one. So if you're reading this on hour eight of an intentional stint then you're shit out of luck.