Friday, June 23, 2023

Harriet was having a nice day… - A Poem

Harriet was having a nice day. 

That’s a nice start isn’t. 

Especially for Harriet. 

Who as far as we know is a perfectly lovely person. 

Although it’s a bit cheeky for us to assume that. 

I mean she seems nice. 

But all we know about her is her name. 

We put too much on names don’t you think?

But then again, and I don’t know if this is true for everyone’s experiences with Harriets,

However 99 of the 100 Harriet’s I’VE personally met have been total utter assholes. 

Then again I met most of them at a “100 Harriet’s for genocide” convention. 

So the odds were stacked. 

I’m my defense (and it turns out, also in defense of ONE of the Harriet’s) I thought I was going to a “hair nets for Jen’s campaign to end the off side rule in soccer aka football” convention.

Or the “100 Hair Nets for Jens On Side” convention as the t-shirts called it. 

The idea was that if participants wore hair nets Jen, who was the hero of the occasion, would be probably happy, because she’d once found a hair in her pasta and didn’t like it much. 

Although in that case it was angel hair pasta, and the chef was a real sweet heart, almost heavenly so. 

So his hair, to be fair, fulfilled the brief of the menu description.

So look, everyone has fucked up occasionally.  

Although not the one Harriet I met at the genocide convention who also thought she was going to the Jen on side convention. 

Because that Harriet WAS a hair net.

A fucking good one too. 

She’d worked in handful of the best restaurants in the world and on literally dozens of heads, and . Not . One . Hair . Had ever been found in the food on HER watch - ever. 

Which is almost UNHEARD of in hair net squares. 

(They don’t like to call their “circles” circles, it reminds them too much of heads, and they need just a little break from those occasionally, and fair enough). 

Plus Harriet the Hair Net was one of he hairnets at Jen On Side who was MOST supportive of the end the offside rule campaign!

Let’s face it many of the hair nets there were there just for the gig, and maybe a day out of the kitchen. 

Well not Harriet the hair net, she was ALL for ending the offside rule. 

She’d even waived her fee for the event. 

This DESPITE having two siblings and SEVEN cousins working as goal nets at the time, five in soccer aka football, and three in field hockey. 

And all of whom were facing WAY more wear and tear if the offside rule was removed.

That was Jens whole point after all. 

More goals. 

And more goals means the nets get an absolute battering.

But that’s family man. 

And that’s support (and again, in fairness, you don’t even make it to the top as a soccer, football or hockey net if you’re NOT great at support). 

So yeah Harriet, the original Harriet of this story, was having a nice day… 

She was. 

Out on a boat. 

The sun shining. 

The waves gentle and even a tad rollicking. 

But it was all about to change. 

Because THIS Harriet was a fishing net. 

And a fisherman on this boat had just hooked onto an entire fucking kitchen nook someone had dumped in the ocean. 

With ALL the fix-uns. 

And Harriet was about to be used to net in a Kitchen Aid 4.8L, stand mixer in beautiful cherry red. 

This was going to go down in history as one of the most unique nettings of all time. 

Harriet’s nice day, was about to go down in net folklore. 

Hell yeah! 

That’s a nice end isn’t it. 

Especially for original Harriet.

Who as far as we know, is a perfectly nice net. 

That's a nice ending, isn't it?

The end 

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Gob - A Poem

“Why don’t you shut your gob”

Yelled a heckler, at a man on a tram, on a phone call trying to talk to his bank to cancel his recently stolen credit card. 

“Maybe I will” he muttered to himself under his breath, once he was put on hold, once again. 

“I’ll probably starve to death in about a week” he pondering inaudibly.

“I bet you’d feel real bad then, wouldn’t you” he grumbled quietly, yet triumphantly. 

“Well I won THAT one” he said to himself with a smile when he got off the tram. 

It was the highlight of his week.

The end 

Note: An alternative version of this fictional story went like this 

So he did shut his gob. 


About a week later he was delirious with hunger, and slowly fading towards the end. 

“I bet that heckler feels real bad about now” he muttered out loud triumphantly. 

Although, if he was really honest with himself, it was probably the credit card thief he was more annoyed with. 

Later a neighborhood rat ate the pinky toe off his corpse. 


Poetry sure can be bleak! 

Note 2: In no version of this poem did the man ever not get put on hold by his bank. 


Poetry sure can be bleak. 

Join us again tomorrow, where the topic may or may not be - Is Poetry Bleak sometimes? 

Wait, no that won’t be the topic, we’ve already established that. It IS bleak sometimes! 

We’ve concluded that TRIUMPHANTLY! 

Oooh, that means the topic is WIDE OPEN - exciting! Woo hoo! 

Monday, June 19, 2023

The Promised Gob Promise

Welcome back to the fantastical everyone, the blog where we make the world more fantastical every day by exploring things are that awesome, rad and/ or ace.

Todays topic - as promised - finally - GOBS! 

Gobs? Did you say gobs? What the fuck are gobs? I hear you ask. 

They are your mouth I think. 

As in "shut your gob", and "stick this sock is your gob and tell me you can still whistle a happy nursery rhyme", or "your gob is full of teeth and it’s a big fat gob and your tongue is has got bumps all over it, what are they, I sand my tongue down to a smooth lacquer every morning so I don’t know, also holy hell, why didn’t some one say this can I am drinking from says paint on it, I thought I was drinking a delicious mug of cold sticky blended leaf chunks, not this vile paint, oh I wish I could taste, I guess if I eventually sand my tongue down to nice clothes peg, I’ll be able to peg recipes to it so my tongue can start to read up about what I want from it, I might have to give it some eyes too, anyone have a fish head they don’t want, also your gob looks weird, with it all upturned and beaming joy, I hate your gob" to name several well known sayings about gobs, that mean gob as in mouth. 

So yeah, I think we all know what a gob is. Question is though, should they be stopped? 

Well consider these things people have said before: 

  • over there is good 
  • I like it, I guess 
  • Small, ok fine small, if that’s what the receipt says then I guess that’s the button I pressed. 
  • Who’s that’s 
  • That’s Kevin 
  • Oh nice to meet you Kevin

All BRILLIANT things that have been said before, and have enriched lives, especially Kevin's life, he ended up getting a job from that other person, a GOOD one! Hell yeah! 

Now consider these things that have never been said by anyone ever: 

  • Scorn is flunged hertherwear for joust!  
  • Plunked porbs are saliving free! 
  • I for one like (insert something you don’t think ANYONE could like here)!

All statements that also would have been brilliant, had they been said, especially for Kevin, he’s been desperately seeking saliving free porbs, it would get him out of that shitty job he's been stuck in all these years.  

So I think we’ve answered this one. Gobs clearly should NOT be stopped.  

Let the gobs run free, freeeeee! 

Ps. I just realized that you can put gob stoppers in your mouth, which are delicious! 

What do we want 

Gobs stopped 

When do we want it 

Something something topped! 

An artists impression of Porb

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Really Real Really Rad

 It’s fantastical time everyone, the blog where yesterday we discussed unicorns, so you KNOW you’re in the right place. How can you be wrong with unicorns? They’re awesome. 

I mean, of course they are, I mean they’re real, so that’s rad, and real things are almost ALWAYS good, or at least better than non real things, I mean consider these two lists: 

Real things 

  • Gophers 
  • Gob Stoppers 
  • Tom Stoppard 
  • Toms brand desks and other home office products, like shelves for example, and some times shelving 
  • Shelve Fish 
  • Fish sold by size and shape not by breed 
  • Breeding halitosis  

Now consider this list 

Not real things 

  • Halitosis flavored nicotine gum 
  • Gum textured shoes, for times when you want to wear shoes, and kind of wish you could just stick your gum to your feet and call that shoes
  • A product that comes in stick form, but then when you’re done with it you then … STICK it to a wall, or under a desk, or to your feet in lieu of shoes! (Stick :) 
  • A girl named Lieu who is kind of rad and is your friend 
  • The city of Aukland 
  • Gob Continuers 


Well I think we’ve answered this one. In summation. 

  • Real stuff is rad 
  • So is your friend Lieu 
  • Aukland doesn’t exist 

Join us again tomorrow where our topic may, or may not be, Gobs? Should they be stopped or not? It’s about time we found fucking out! 

                                                                Not "real" halitosis