Ahhh. It’s so nice to have my head on a nice soft pillow. Man, what tough day.
Well done today buddy. You really shone in hard circumstances. Great work. Seriously. You were amazing.
Sure I didn’t get a medal, or a reward, again. Or get to be the center of attention. But I know that I was JUST as heroic and important to the mission as the others, and if I know that, then that’s enough right?
Hey if I risk my life and just survive then even THAT’S enough right?
I don’t do it for the plaudits. I do it for what’s right. And
to save the people I care about. To be honest, in some ways, not being one of
the ones honored in the end is maybe even a BIGGER honor. I wasn’t personally
rewarded, so no one can EVER say that I was only in it for the rewards right? I
risked MY life to save OTHERS. Period. No other end game. I don’t need to be
remembered. I don’t need to be the one getting applauded. I just did it. That’s
real heroism.
Still, an award would be nice. Remember when at school that Guidance Counselor said if I didn’t start applying myself and lift my test scores then the most I could hope to amount to would be to become meathead nightclub bouncer or something? Well I DIDN’T apply myself, and flunked biology AND woodwork, and I’m going to end up helping blow up the Death Star! Twice! Man if I DID have an award I would so go stick it right in that Guidance Councilors stupid face. That would be sweet.
Still, an award would be nice. Remember when at school that Guidance Counselor said if I didn’t start applying myself and lift my test scores then the most I could hope to amount to would be to become meathead nightclub bouncer or something? Well I DIDN’T apply myself, and flunked biology AND woodwork, and I’m going to end up helping blow up the Death Star! Twice! Man if I DID have an award I would so go stick it right in that Guidance Councilors stupid face. That would be sweet.
But still it’s not WHY I do it. I can’t think that way.
Cause, man. I could have died today. Wow.
You forget in the moment. But I really could have DIED today.
That’s big.
I wonder what would become of me. Would I get buried? Or burned? Would I just disappear like Ob-Wan? Oooooh I hope I end up becoming a rug in a log cabin. No no no, in a Ski Chalet! That would be sweet. Near a fire. Maybe with someone’s pet kitten or Ewok curled up asleep on me. That’s how to spend eternity. I’ll probably end up just a coat or something though right? I wish I wore clothes. I bet I could rock a pair of leather pants. Although I bet if I tried Han would just mock me. For a guy that seems to wear the same damn shirt every single day, he sure is judgmental of other people’s fashion choices.
Anyways, stop thinking about it Chewie, you know you never get to sleep when you go down these paths, and besides I’m sure you’ll risk your life for nothing again tomorrow, won’t you big fella, so you can save these thoughts for after THAT adventure.
Cause, man. I could have died today. Wow.
You forget in the moment. But I really could have DIED today.
That’s big.
I wonder what would become of me. Would I get buried? Or burned? Would I just disappear like Ob-Wan? Oooooh I hope I end up becoming a rug in a log cabin. No no no, in a Ski Chalet! That would be sweet. Near a fire. Maybe with someone’s pet kitten or Ewok curled up asleep on me. That’s how to spend eternity. I’ll probably end up just a coat or something though right? I wish I wore clothes. I bet I could rock a pair of leather pants. Although I bet if I tried Han would just mock me. For a guy that seems to wear the same damn shirt every single day, he sure is judgmental of other people’s fashion choices.
Anyways, stop thinking about it Chewie, you know you never get to sleep when you go down these paths, and besides I’m sure you’ll risk your life for nothing again tomorrow, won’t you big fella, so you can save these thoughts for after THAT adventure.
Wake up. Get blasted at. Blow something up. Watch Han get the
rewards AND the cute dates. Go to bed. Start again. That’s your lot in life.
No no no. Don’t do this to yourself. I can’t get bitter. I have to stay positive. And I have to sleep. I HAVE to. I need to sleep if I’m going be fresh enough to survive anyway. Come on Chewie. Stop thinking about every damn thing and just sleep.
No no no. Don’t do this to yourself. I can’t get bitter. I have to stay positive. And I have to sleep. I HAVE to. I need to sleep if I’m going be fresh enough to survive anyway. Come on Chewie. Stop thinking about every damn thing and just sleep.
Maybe I should count sheep or something.
“One sheep. Two sheep. Three sheep. Four…”
Oh screw it. That’s doesn’t work. Now I just want to chew the sheep’s faces off. Oh man, how good is chewing faces off!
You know I never asked my mom what a Bacca is. Man, I must’ve LOVED chewing them as a kid to get named after them. They must have been YUM. I probably just shoved my face into bowls of them and chewed them like some sort of animal. Not even waiting for the table to properly be set. Like…
“One sheep. Two sheep. Three sheep. Four…”
Oh screw it. That’s doesn’t work. Now I just want to chew the sheep’s faces off. Oh man, how good is chewing faces off!
You know I never asked my mom what a Bacca is. Man, I must’ve LOVED chewing them as a kid to get named after them. They must have been YUM. I probably just shoved my face into bowls of them and chewed them like some sort of animal. Not even waiting for the table to properly be set. Like…
I just had an idea.
I just thought of something.
Yes, yes, yes!
It’s the best line ever.
Next time I see someone eating something just with their face
I can yell out...
“Use the forks!”
Lol. That’s brilliant.
Wait no, even better. I could yell it when I see someone struggling with chopsticks.
Lol. Genius.
“Use the forks!”
Lol. That’s brilliant.
Wait no, even better. I could yell it when I see someone struggling with chopsticks.
Lol. Genius.
“Hey buddy (tee-hee) instead of struggling with those… USE
YES! I’ll bring the house down. Now THAT will get me
remembered. YES. Goddamn YES!
Man, I hope Han’s up for Chinese food soon.
Man, I hope Han’s up for Chinese food soon.
Ok, ok, ok, I have to plan this right. I can’t just suggest
it, can I? I can’t make it clear it was my idea, or the joke won’t seem off the
But then again Han hardly ever suggests Chinese.
Oh man. How can I get him to think about it on his own.
Maybe I can just like play around with the hyperdrive or something, and when he says “what the hell are you doing in there Chewie” I can be all like “just NOODLING around”.
Or or or, I can like clean out the toilets and ask him “should I just DUMPling this stuff into a pile of space junk and hope the Imperial Green Police don’t catch us, or is that too big a RICE..SK”.
“Just risk it Chewie” Han will probably say, “say for some reason I suddenly feel like Chinese food, want to go to Ming Koks for dinner” he’ll ponder my way.
“Chinese? That’s out of the blue Solo, let’s do it”, I’ll roar nonchalantly, while casually preparing the Falcon for the jump into light speed.
“You’ve been manipulated again Solo”. I’ll think with a
Wait, I just realized something. Solo? He doesn’t even NEED that second name. It’s redundant. Otherwise he’d be Hans plural. Han singular leaves the Solo implied for damns sake. I don’t have a second name. Man, Han just get’s fucking everything doesn’t he?
Wait, wait, no no no. Did I just hear him in the other room saying “I’ve got a bad feeling about this”?
Fuck, fuck, fuck. Fall asleep now and pretend you didn’t hear it.
Come on buddy fall asleep.
Now please.
Come on.
Wait, I just realized something. Solo? He doesn’t even NEED that second name. It’s redundant. Otherwise he’d be Hans plural. Han singular leaves the Solo implied for damns sake. I don’t have a second name. Man, Han just get’s fucking everything doesn’t he?
Wait, wait, no no no. Did I just hear him in the other room saying “I’ve got a bad feeling about this”?
Fuck, fuck, fuck. Fall asleep now and pretend you didn’t hear it.
Come on buddy fall asleep.
Now please.
Come on.
You can do it.
Just stop thinking.
Sleep away.
Come on damn it.
Oh fuck I think I just heard the deflector shield get activated.
Here we go fucking again.
Oh fuck I think I just heard the deflector shield get activated.
Here we go fucking again.
Well this time, if Han nicks my Bowcaster again, and takes
all the plaudits again, then I am
TOTALLY gonna make him shout the Chinese Food! Suck on that, Solo.