Thursday, June 29, 2017

Cunningly Expetational Shrewdicitiy - A Poem

Her smile was wet...
Her soul slippery...
Her clothes made of porcupine inards...
Where the porcupine outards were who could tell?
In her?
It would explain why she sporadically experienced uncontrollable seizures which in part manifested themselves in the haphazard shooting of blood covered porcupine quills from her neck...
But it wouldn't explain why anyone would dress in porcupine innards and consume porcupine outards, now would it?
Unless of course she was worried about blood covered porcupine quills shooting INTO her neck!
And who the hell isn't?
No one.
That's who...
Yes she was a shrewd one this one...
Not much of a looker...
A tad full of holes and covered in blood for my taste...
Perhaps that's just the price one must pay...
For a sweet, sweet porcupine innard outfit inspired wet smile.

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