I had a truly intensely amazing
experience today. Yes, I met a bird, and we had an oh so wonderful chat.
I mean we just had so much in common. Of
course, sure, like with many conversations that chronicle the journey of
current strangers along the safe passage to new friends, we had to tangle our
way through sections of small talk and mindless busy discourse, but after a
while similarities in our stories began to appear, and we found some amazingly
coincidental, yet profound common ground. Like just a couple of examples
included exciting things such as the fact that it turned out that we both chose
air as our preferred source of oxygen, and we both had made homes in a tiny
little location known as the planet earth, and we both could never, ever resist
the temptation of a bag of French Fries from the garbage, no matter how moldy
they’ve become.
Yep, it became clear that we basically
were the same person, or ‘the same bird’ as he retorted, and we both laughed
and laughed, the ability to unleash laughter being another thing we had in
Oh sure, there were also some tiny
minor differences, like I have skin and he has feathers, but then again both of
those options are merely a different example of an identical thing – a membrane
like casing focused primarily on evading organ spillage. I mean neither one of
us, at any given time, has anything worse than a very minor level of organ
leakage. And, ok sure, he mostly flies to get places and I mostly walk, but
then again sometimes he walks, and I have been known to occasionally take a
majestic leap over a muddy puddle. And yeah, I mostly eat spaghetti, where as
he mostly eats puked up worm innards, but I am quite sure I have eaten many a
stray worm mixed into my spaghetti, I mean that is what Italian food is most
famous for, and he did recount a hilarious anecdote about a time he nearly
chocked to death in a fancy restaurant after what he thought was a delicious
worm, turned out to be instead a delicate strand of slender fettuccine, ha ha,
they had to give him ‘the bird Heimlich-maneuver’, which if I was going to
paint a picture of would look almost like using a bird as a stuffed turkey
being fed to an Ostrich, ha ha, and all because he accidently ate something
thinking it was something else, I literally can’t imagine something like that
happen to me.
But yeah, ok, we had a few differences
too. He believes when looking at politics you should have an open mind and try
and understand the arguments on both sides, where as I believe in trying to
understand the arguments on both sides of politics open-mindedly. He believes that
where there is smoke there probably is fire, but not to spray the water until
you feel the heat, where as I have always advocated restraining your water
spraying trigger finger until you’ve confirmed that the smoke you are seeing is
indeed coming from the flames you are looking at. Oh and plus his beak is way
pointier than mine.
We departed soon after we figured out
that last one, and so I don’t know if a long lasting friendship will last in
friendship forever or not, but I can promise you, if you are reading this right
now new bird friend, the next time I am eating some moldy fries out of a
garbage can, you can totally have one. Oh
and by the way, I never did get your name, I hope it’s not something weird; I
don’t make friends with weirdoes sorry.
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